Why Work With Me?

I have years of experience in the corporate world as a business analyst, project manager, consultant, management, and business owner.

Throughout my career, I have always been a problem solver… seeking answers or finding solutions to a problem or a series of problems. I believe it was the perfect background to prepare me for the ministry. The call on my life is to work with women; helping them achieve their destiny; helping them move from where they are to where they want to be. Many times I simply translate it by using the phrase “From Pain to Purpose.” I help others move from pain to purpose; moving into their God given destiny.

Jeremiah 29:11 states:

“For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

I am here to help you on your journey! … a safe place for you to show up and be the real you! This is achieved by accomplishing some of the following:

  • Transformation
  • Accountability
  • Freedom         
  • Determination
  • Art
  • Creativity
  • Action Plans
  • Goal Setting
  • Soul Searching
  • Discovery
  • Writing
  • Belief 
  • Self Desire
  • Clarity
  • Implementation
  • Evaluation

I am an avid believer that your experience validates and qualifies you, giving you the credibility and credentials to help others overcome areas that you yourself have overcome. Until you walk a mile in someone else’s shoes you cannot begin to understand the struggles. I actually use the simple analogy of weight loss and working out at the gym; a twenty year old weighing 120 pounds comes up to help you and tells you they understand the struggles and how you feel. Impossible! They have no idea what it’s like to have to lose 70 pounds of excess weight.

Until you’ve lost a spouse you have no idea what it’s like… Until you find your husband having an affair you have no idea what it’s like… Until you are a struggling single mom you have no idea what it’s like… Until… Until… And the list goes on!

I relate by utilizing my own personal life struggles in helping others overcome their past and present situations.

I specialize in overcoming the past in the following areas:

  • Divorce
  • Infidelity
  • Grief / Death of Spouse
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Insecurity
  • Abandonment
  • Shame
  • Fear
  • Not Being “Good Enough”

Some Side Notes...

We are all uniquely created! Therefore, we love to have the ladies do a skills assessment to identify their unique personality and skills. It’s always fun to learn about one another. Sometimes it even comes as a surprise to those who have never done an assessment before.

Dr. Lorraine shares her top 5 results:


Her objective is to take responsibility. If there is a person who is emotionally bound to follow through on promises – it’s her.

Problem Solver

Her objective is to solve problems. She loves the opportunity to analyze the symptoms of a problem, identify what’s wrong and find the solution. Instead of abandoning a problem she believes problems can be resolved and restored back to its true glory; it’s normal function.

Story Teller

She is a story teller. It’s not only a natural talent, but a strength that she is always working on. She is always in search for the perfect phrase powerful word combination to attract and capture the attention of an audience. After all, your life is a movie. What better story is there?


Her objective is to help develop her client’s potential. Contrary to what may be believed, no one has achieved the ultimate level of excellence. There is always room for growth. It is her personal mission to help clients identify and utilize their maximum potential.

Self Believer

She brings confidence. Though we do not know what the future brings, the inner confidence allows her to discover possibilities, meet challenges, and deliver to her clients.

Let's Get Started!

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