About Lorraine

Dr. Lorraine McFarland is Founder of the ministry Women in Motion. She is an ordained Minister of the Gospel, Certified Christian Life Coach, Christian Counselor, Public Speaker, and Author. She also has years of experience as a victim; a victim of a shattered life.

Years ago she found herself going the wrong way down a one way street to nowhere. Today, through her own personal journey, she has experienced restoration and transformation. After years of silence, she has rightly earned the title SURVIVOR! …and OVERCOMER!

Weeks following her testimony, she went on her first mission trip to Honduras. It was shortly after the trip when she received God’s calling on her life to minister to hurting women; to heal the brokenhearted and set the captives free. However, she wanted more. As she prayed to God she knew she needed more to offer the women. To her surprise, through an ordained moment in time, God orchestrated what she thought was an impossible dream; God made a way for her to attend Bible College. She often says, “Nothing is impossible with God!”

In August 2012, she received her ordination as a Minister of the Gospel and later a Master Degree in Pastoral Care. In 2018 she graduated with a Doctorate Degree in Theology. She says she is still amazed at the hand of God. She is please to say she was the first in her family to graduate with a Doctorate Degree.

And my daddy said to me as a teenager, “You will just grow up, get married, and have a bunch of kids!” …words I will never forget. God rest his soul.

On October 4, 2012, she was sitting on the water banks at Bottomless Lakes State Park in New Mexico crying her eyes out when God spoke and showed her a vision on the side of the mountain sitting right in front of her. To her amazement, the vision spoke volumes.

In her words…

“God’s Word says, “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets…” (Habakkuk 2:2). That day, God drew me a picture. He talked me through it and I took a picture, wondering if it would actually show up.”

“Without purpose, life has no meaning. Without meaning, life has no significance or hope.”

Pastor Rick Warren, Saddleback Church

Dr. Lorraine believes in having fun! That’s exactly what it is for her when she takes you on a journey of self discovery to uncover and identify your life passion. As the old saying goes, she believes when you operate in your passion you don’t work another day in your life. She is passionate about the journey and shares with others how it changed her life.

Dr. Lorraine loves family! She comes from a large family of four children, her being the oldest, and only girl. As the oldest she had some big shoes to fill at an early age by helping her mother with a surprise package of twin brothers. She says, “It was never a dull moment around our childhood home!” Years later brother number three appeared making it a full house indeed.

After the sudden shock of widowhood, she remarried in 2014 . Her husband, Robert Thorpe, is a building contractor. Together they have four adult children, five grandchildren, and two little side kicks; her Maltese – Harley, and Pomeranian – Lady Girl. Needless to say, the two little ones are a bit spoiled and don’t want her out of their sight.

Along with the ministry of coaching, speaking and writing, Dr. Lorraine is also a licensed real estate broker She and her husband Robert are looking forward to working together to build a lakeside women’s retreat center in the near future. It will be the ideal place to enjoy mother nature in the day while tooling around in a near by paddleboat or snuggle by a fire in the evening.

Together they are both focused on transforming hearts… one heart at a time.

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