
with Dr. Lorraine

In order to help women to a greater depth, Dr. Lorraine began by focusing on achieving her credentials. She became a Certified Christian Life Coach in 2012, and later she received her Bachelor Degree in Christian Counseling and a Master Degree in Pastoral Care. She loves the excitement of taking the journey alongside women and helping them discover their desires and purpose in life.

God has placed each of us here for a reason. Do you know the reason you were born? Are you living the life you desire? Why not?

Let’s start the discovery today… begin the journey to find answers to the questions that linger in your mind. Let’s uncover the truths that you keep so secretly hidden. It’s time to reveal the real YOU! Start living the life you were created to live.

God’s word says… Where there is no vision the people perish.

— Proverbs 29:18 KJV

To start our journey together, we begin with a questionnaire of discovery. This early discovery allows me to learn a little about you. So take a moment, grab a cup of hot tea, get in a quiet place, relax, and take a moment to complete the form below:

Thank you so much for being my "Life Coach". It was a great experience and I came away feeling very empowered to "conquer my demons"! The digging into things on a deeper level made me come face to face with some facts I had known, but had swept under the rug because they were difficult to face; thus I didn't deal with them. You brushed off the dust and I was forced to face (and begin to deal) with them. You were a delight to work with! You were tough when I needed it and compassionate at the same time. Your humor softens and makes endurable, the thinking of and dealing with hard and wrenching things of the past; not to mention: just plain fun! You're honest and forthright, and yet humble in your assessments and/or thought provocations. The whole experience was a bit like childbirth; grueling labor on one hand; and yet an exhilarating, fantastic time on the other! it was a great help to me personally, and to us as a family. Bless you! Thank you for your love, and for exhibiting His Love!
Diane B.
2-Day Life Plan
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